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Lindsay Lohan

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Lindsay Dee Lohan (born July 2, 1986) is an American actress and pop music singer. Lohan started in show business as a child fashion model for magazine advertisement and television commercials. At age ten, she began her acting career in a soap opera; at eleven, she made her motion picture debut by playing both twins in Disney's 1998 remake of The Parent Trap.

Lohan rose to stardom with her leading roles in the financially successful films Mean Girls and Herbie: Fully Loaded. Her subsequent adult roles include appearances in Robert Altman's final film, A Prairie Home Companion and Bobby. In 2004, Lohan launched a second career in pop music yielding the albums Speak (2004) and A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005).

In recent years, Lohan has been the subject of intense media scrutiny focusing on her celebrity nightlife activities and legal troubles in 2007 arising from DUI charges.

Lindsay Lohan was born in The Bronx and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in New York. She is the eldest child of Michael Lohan, a onetime actor, and the former Donata "Dina" Sullivan, who has claimed that she worked as a Rockette, though Radio City Music Hall records have failed to verify this claim.

Lohan has three younger siblings: brother Michael had a role as "Lost Boy at Camp" in The Parent Trap (1998), sister Aliana is an aspiring model and actress, and brother Dakota (Cody) has modeled fashions. Lohan is of Irish and Italian heritage and was raised as a Catholic. She originally pronounced her name ˈloʊhæn but later settled on ˈloʊən; in 2005, Lohan explained to a TEENick audience that she had decided to use Morgan as her middle name because it sounded more professional.

Lindsay's family was financially comfortable; her father Michael Lohan had inherited his family's pasta business, which he later sold to trade in futures (briefly becoming President of New York Futures Traders). More recently, he worked as an investment banker, securing funding for independent films. Lohan's mother Dina, was a Wall Street analyst before becoming her daughter's manager.

Despite the family's wealth, Lohan—when she wasn't tutored on film sets—attended public schools on Long Island, including Sanford H. Calhoun High School, finishing her studies at home through Laurel Springs School.

Michael Lohan had spent much of his daughter's preteen years in prison for securities fraud. In 2005, he was sent back to prison for "aggravated unlicensed driving" and attempted assault.

Later in 2005, Lohan's parents settled their divorce case.

Personal life

Lohan has been a frequent attendee at various nightclubs and social events - at times being photographed with nightlife fixtures like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. Responding to the media's portrayal of her as a "party girl", Lohan commented, "People say, 'Oh, she goes out and she parties'. No, we are just going out and having fun."

Lohan's three car accidents in 2005 were widely reported. The first was a minor rear-ender, though the victims later threatened to sue her. In the second, she suffered minor injuries when a paparazzi who was following her for a photograph hit her car. Police called the crash intentional, but prosecutors said there was not enough evidence to file criminal charges. In the third, Lohan struck a van in West Hollywood. Police ruled that the van's driver made an illegal U-turn. When VH1 named Lohan "Big 'It' Girl" for its 'Big' in '05 Awards in December, it was, Lohan quipped, "because being Big in '05 means getting in three car crashes in one year, people!".

In an interview published in the March 2006 issue of Allure magazine, Lohan said she hoped to be taken seriously as an actress, adding, "I hate it when people call me a teen queen." She addressed the numerous romantic rumors ("I know now that I don't need a boyfriend.") and her weight loss ("I will say that I went through a phase. I lost weight when I was in the hospital, and then I wanted to keep it off."). Lohan said 2005 "felt like five lifetimes because I've grown up a lot".

Cast and crew of several Lohan films have criticized the actress' work ethic publicly on occasion. William H. Macy, a castmate on the film Bobby, said of Lohan:

"You can't show up late. It's very, very disrespectful... I think what an actor has to realize (is that) when you show up an hour late, 150 people have been scrambling to cover for you. There is not an apology big enough in the world to have to make 150 people scramble. It's nothing but disrespect...And Lindsay Lohan is not the only one. A lot of actors show up late as if they're God's gift to the film. It's inexcusable, and they should have their asses kicked." In July 2006, the filming of Georgia Rule was delayed while Lohan was admitted to a hospital for treatment of what her publicist described as overheating and dehydration. The CEO of the film's production company sent a letter to Lohan and other people working on the film stating, "You and your representatives have told us that your various late arrivals and absences from the set have been the result of illness; today we were told it was 'heat exhaustion'. We are well aware that your ongoing all night heavy partying is the real reason for your so-called 'exhaustion'."

On January 18, 2007 Lohan checked herself in to the Wonderland Center rehabilitation facility in the Laurel Canyon area of Los Angeles. Through her representative, she issued a statement saying, "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health." In a later interview, Lohan said, "It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab." But she added that, even after regularly attending meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous, "I don't know that I'm necessarily an addict."


Lindsay Lohan foto

Několik fórů na závěr. Vtip Znovusjednocení státu?: Baví se na zimním stadionu dva fanoušci: „Víš, proč se nemůže Česká republika znovu sjednotit se Slovenskem v jeden společný stát?” „Ne, proč?” „Nikdo jiný by pak neměl v hokeji šanci!”

Baví se na zimním stadionu dva fanoušci: „Víš, proč se nemůže Česká republika znovu sjednotit se Slovenskem v jeden společný stát?” „Ne, proč?” „Nikdo jiný by pak neměl v hokeji šanci!”

Když Tě holka nemá ráda, stačí prdel kamaráda.

Maruška přijde s pláčem za otcem, že je v tom. A s význačnou osobou. Otec se zhrozi, snad ne s mistrem? "Ne," říká Maruška, "mistr se mu, když ho uvidí, slušně pokloní." "Tak snad ne s vedoucim odděleni?" "Ne, vedouci se mu také hluboce klaní." "Holka nešťastná, snad ne s ředitelem? Anebo, proboha, s nějakým ministrem?" " Ne, tatinku, ten se mu také každý rok hluboce klaní." "Tak s kým??? S prezidentem?" "Ale ne, ten se mu také chodí často poklonit! S neznámým vojínem."

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